Why choose SAiL AI

See how marketing automation can help you grow at record speeds
with these features:

AI Built From Success

Developed by SiteStaff, SAiL technology is meticulously designed from 9 years of documented strategic human engagement and proven results.

Self-Service Onboarding

Sign Up, Configure, and Go Live within minutes.

Lead Management

Easily track leads generated by your new AI Assistant on your dashboard and seamlessly integrate with your CRM.

24x7 Availability

Your website is your new front door, always open to engage visitors to support your strategic sales process.

Discover The
Great Features

Call Connect

SAiL Bot can connect you with your visitors via phone call in real-time through an automated workflow or at your visitor's request.

Live Chat Transfer

Transfer visitors to a live chat operator through automated workflow or when the visitor requests to connect.

CRM Integration

Integrate your CRM with your leads from SAiL Bot. Track conversion, ROI, and much more with your SAiL AI Assistant!

Affordable Pricing Plans

The information below will help you choose the right plan for your




Per Month
  • Custom Chatbot Responses
  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Management
  • Standard Workflow
  • Custom UI




Per Month
  • All of Silver Package
  • CRM Integration
  • Transfer to Live Chat
  • Call Connect




Per Month
  • All of Gold Package
  • Customize Workflow
  • Video Bot

Artificial Intelligence That Works For Your Business

SAiL Bot is a next-generation AI and NLP (Neuro - Linguistic Programming) -powered assistant. SAiL Bot optimizes your marketing and sales initiatives and transforms your website into a powerful lead source, providing your business with real-time qualified leads. SAiL Bot can also connect with your patient management system or CRM to provide in-depth analytics showcasing your visitor’s buying journey.

Schedule a discovery session to talk to one of our strategic consultants about your SaiL Bot today!